Turning Heads Digital Skills

Every Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning we run sessions at the Skills Centre which are designed to enhance and support anyone with a query about digital skills.

These sessions are free and supported for 1 year by UKSPF funding

We have a designated ICT space where you can come and use the computers, brush up on rusty skills or learn new ones. You can also bring your technology in such as phones, laptops or tablets and we will endeavour to show you how to use them and answer any problems.

The sessions are designed as drop-ins and you can come as often as you like. We do ask that you complete a monitoring form and also pass on any feedback to the staff at the end of the sessions.

We are now able to offer our guests access to an online learning platform. After a brief diagnostic assessment the software will generate a tailored course which will enable the individual to advance seamlessly through the levels to improve a wide variety of Digital Skills. Physical help is available for the individual throughout this process. Feedback from all enrolled so far is incredibly positive with a real sense of satisfaction. For those already enrolled, for access please click on this link turningheads.bksblive2.co.uk

Turning Heads also link with Maker Arts in Paignton who deliver similar sessions to those residents of Paignton and Brixham https://www.makerarts.co.uk

Learner Support Declaration